OSC Transport OÜ, + 372 5660 0008, Liivalao 18, 11216 Tallinn


OSC Transport OÜ, + 372 5660 0008, Tallinn — TextMap

T: + 372 6 505 330 F: + 372 6 505 335 E: alari.harjak@scanmarine.ee W: www.scanmarine.ee ScanMarine Estonia Ltd. are Freight Forwarders based in Estonia, Harjumaa. Company Name: ScanMarine Estonia Ltd. Country/City: Estonia/Tallinn: Artificial Person: Alari Harjak: Address: A.H.Tammsaare tee 47: Postcode: 11316: Homepage: SCANMARINE ESTONIA OÜ: Tegevuslugu 12.02.2021 SCANMARINE ESTONIA OÜ alustas peaaegu 9 aastat tagasi, mil juhatuse liikmed, A. H. ja A. M., seda juhtima hakkasid. A. H.'l oli selleks ajaks ettevõtlus­kogemust ligikaudu 4 aastat ja A. M.l 3 aastat.SCANMARINE ESTONIA OÜ valdkond on veoste ekspedeerimine. ScanMarine is ready to help you with any and all of your marine interior needs, be it full turnkey newbuilds, refurbishment or as consultants.

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13 likes. Meretransport ja logistika. Uute ja kasutatud merekonteinerite müük. ScanMarine Estonia OÜ, Tallinn, Estonia.

8,002 likes · 15 talking about this. OCS Group is an agent of Hapag-Lloyd AG - one of the world's leading container shipping carriers.

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1995. aastal, mil sõlmisime lepingu ROTO Since its establishment on May 5, 1981, the company remains competitive for more than three decades as the company gains the trust of its Principal Supplier Furuno Electic Co, Ltd-Japan being the sole distributor in the country in bringing the quality of Marine Electronic Equipment product in the industry. Aadress: Tööstuse tn 47d-15 Tallinn Harjumaa 10416. Vaata tasuta firma omanikke, juhatust, seotud ettevõtteid, b-kaarti, maksuvõlgu.

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Learn more about ScanMarine with in-depth company details, verified client reviews and portfolios. ScanMarine Estonia Ltd. I Partner / Board member Estonia 112 connections.

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ScanMarine Estonia Ltd. (ScanMarine) aims to be reliable and high-quality transport service provider. You have out of gauge cargoes or shipments including dangerous goods – just give us the time and the place and consider it done. In case needed we can offer 24/7 service to get all running smoothly.
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+372 650 5330, e-mail scanmarine@scanmarine.ee). Container Store is an e-store that operates at https://scanmarine.ee/pood as run by the Seller. Müüja on ScanMarine Estonia OÜ (reg nr 12387797, aadress Tööstuse 47d-15, 10416 Tallinn, tel +372 650 5330, e-post scanmarine@scanmarine.ee).

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131 mätare. Quickport OÜ. Valdeku 107e, 11216 Tallinn, Estland. 795 m. ScanMarine Estonia Ltd. A.H.Tammsaare tee 47, 11316 Tallinn, Estonia.