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Idiopatisk lungfibros - Svensk Lungmedicinsk Förening - Yumpu

Over the years different methods were developed to describe the changing water saturation in the reservoir with height above the free water level and also taking the reservoir quality into account. Fully Upscaled Saturation-Height Functions for Reservoir Modeling based on Thomeer's Method for Analyzing Capillary Pressure Measurements March 2007 DOI: 10.2118/105139-MS Summary: Saturation height function using the Thomeer model The saturation-height function using Flow Zone Index (FZI): •Breakthrough pressure, Pb = 6.4468*(FZI-0.7918) •Thomeer Shape factor, C = 0.3174*(FZI-0.1586) •Capillary Pressure from height above FWL (m) Pc = (Height above FWL x 62.42762 (ρ w –ρ g ) x 3.28084)/144 Buiting J (2007) Fully upscaled saturation-height functions for reservoir modeling based on Thomeer’s method for analyzing capillary pressure measurements. In: Paper SPE 105139 presented at the 15th SPE Middle East oil & gas show and conference held in Bahrain International Exhibition Centre, Kingdom of Bahrain The two best known methods to analyze MICP measurements and to estimate saturation height curves are Thomeer-and Leverett J functions. However, neither method has been satisfactorily upscaled until now. The popular J-function method usual starts with a classification of pore systems using the parameter. The results of this study show that the most commonly used Leverett-J model is one of the poorer performing saturation-height functions. Of the conventional "equation based" approaches, the Thomeer and Skjaeveland models appear to have the most utility and are recommended as first choice saturation-height models to test.

Thomeer saturation height function

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4. Primary Drainage Saturation-Height Modeling pieces of special core analysis to produce these capillary pressure-derived saturation functions. A Thomeer water saturation model was used for fitting parameters, such as irreducibl Wettability, capillarity, relative permeability and residual oil saturation are capillary pressure responses of rocks (Corey, 1954, Thomeer, 1960, Brooks an average gas saturation, and a saturation-height function, but not necessa Resistivity 'driven' by Phi and Saturation-Height(Pc), input to Archie Thomeer, J.H.M. Air Permeability as a Function of Three Pore-Network Parameters,  10.9.3 Other Approaches to Saturation-Height Functions. If core data is not Capillary pressure curves and analysis by Thomeer's equation. Capillary pressure  Conventional saturation-height methods used by the oil and gas industry are in the literature for determining field-wide saturation-height functions based on on Thomeer's original set of pore geometrical factors, relating satu Development of core based saturation height models based on a variety of functions: Brooks Corey, Thomeer, Leverett J etc.

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The authors investigate performance of eight saturation-height methods (i.e., Leverett, Cap-Log, Modified Cap-Log, Johnson, Cuddy, Modified Cuddy, Skelt-Harrison, and Sodena methods) employed in the oil industry. saturation, and the permeability, which defines how easy it is to extract any hydrocarbons that are present. The final critical parameter is the hydrocarbon saturation, or how much of the porosity is occupied by hydrocarbons. This, and the related gas and water saturations are controlled by capillary pressure.

Thomeer saturation height function

Idiopatisk lungfibros - Svensk Lungmedicinsk Förening - Yumpu

Repeat this for each sample and its respective data table. This functions correlated data over several orders of magnitude change in permeability. Also, notice that the J function value where most of the saturation change occurs is close to the value of 0.49 for a bundle of identical capillary tubes.

The popular J-function method usual starts with a classification of pore systems using the parameter. The results of this study show that the most commonly used Leverett-J model is one of the poorer performing saturation-height functions. Of the conventional "equation based" approaches, the Thomeer and Skjaeveland models appear to have the most utility and are recommended as first choice saturation-height models to test. in which S Hg is the saturation of mercury. The Thomeer function has three parameters: Threshold pressure P ct; Pore geometric factor G; Mercury saturation at infinite capillary pressure S Hg∞ (Thomeer wrote Eq. 3 with bulk mercury saturation instead of mercury saturation. Bulk mercury saturation equals the product of porosity and mercury Saturation-Height Equations There are various practical techniques for correlating capillary pressure curves according to rock type for a heterogeneous formation and generating field wide saturation-height function that relates capillary pressure curves to porosity, permeability or rock type in general. The classic method is based on Hence, when it comes to building reservoir models and estimating volumes in-place, capillary pressure based saturation-height models are used to de- scribe Sw. For unconventional reservoirs, even if capillary pressures are not controlling Sw, saturation-height modelling provides a means to describe Sw variations in reservoirs using property variations.
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J-Function. Lambda.

2017). Presentation to illustrate links between saturation height relationships, permeability and flow prediction. Saturation modeling features. Takes into account irreducible saturations and transition zones; Multiple methods, including: Height functions; Leverett J-functions; Thomeer and capillary functions; User-defined equations; Modeling zones defined using: Lithology and rock-type classes; Reservoir compartments ; Multiple compartments and contact Saturation height methods such as Leverett J Function, Brooks Corey, Thomeer and Lamda were investigated for the gas wells under study, which had complete data sets including conventional core, SCAL and a comprehensive suite of electric logs.
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Idiopatisk lungfibros - Svensk Lungmedicinsk Förening - Yumpu

Bulk mercury saturation equals the product of porosity and mercury Saturation-Height Equations There are various practical techniques for correlating capillary pressure curves according to rock type for a heterogeneous formation and generating field wide saturation-height function that relates capillary pressure curves to porosity, permeability or rock type in general. The classic method is based on Hence, when it comes to building reservoir models and estimating volumes in-place, capillary pressure based saturation-height models are used to de- scribe Sw. For unconventional reservoirs, even if capillary pressures are not controlling Sw, saturation-height modelling provides a means to describe Sw variations in reservoirs using property variations. The saturation height functions can describe the drainage process during the hydrocarbon migration and are expressed as a relationship among the saturation, the height above the free water level and some model properties (commonly porosity and permeability).

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Idiopatisk lungfibros - Svensk Lungmedicinsk Förening - Yumpu

Unconventionals & CO2 Storage. Quality Control of Functions - Checking for “Good Behaviour” Saturation-Height Function Creation - Model Fitting, Individual Curve Correlation Method, All Curves Simultaneously Method, Problems with Parameter Selection, Recommended Initial Parameters for the Solver, Sub-Groupings, Uncertainty Quantification. Unconventionals & CO2 Storage. Quality Control of Functions - Checking for “Good Behaviour” HAFWL = Height above FWL (m) Rhow / Rhohc = Water and Hydrocarbon density (SG) 1.2406 = Conversion (psi/m) Method: Calculate J value for each known saturation cell (logs etc) Plot J vs known Sw (altogether &/or by facie) If reasonable relationship(s) evident, use J vs Sw as proxy for your Saturation height function The Saturation-Height Modeling module provides core-to-log integration via the following workflow: Template loading of special core data. Graphical review and edit for QC. Transform or normalize pressure data.