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ITUC Global Rights Index 2018: Ten worst countries in the world for working people. The 2018 ITUC Global Rights Index depicts the world’s worst countries for workers by rating 142 countries on a scale from 1-5 based on the degree of respect for workers’ rights with 1 being the best rating and 5 the Turkey - There were many cases of employers dismissing workers simply because of their union membership, notably in the oil, car, engineering, textile and leather industries. There were also several incidents of violence against trade unionists, which in some cases led to injury, such as when police intervened in a demonstration at the entrance of a car seat production factory. Also in 2014, the ITUC debuted the Global Rights Index, which ranks nations on 97 metrics pertaining to workers' rights, such as freedom from violent conditions and the right to strike and unionise. According to the 2020 update of the Index, there has been a significant increase in violations of workers' rights … Ten worst countries in the world for working people Credit: ITUC. ITUC June 18, 2020 The breakdown of the social contract has been exposed in the 2020 International Trade Union Confederation Global Rights Index with violations of workers’ rights at a seven-year high..

Ituc global rights index

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Annual Survey of Violations of Trade Union Rights. 15-11-2018. Report - ITUC Global Rights Index 2017. download.

Global Rights Index 2017. Ökat hot och våld mot världens arbetstagare. Mord, fängelse, hot och våld drabbar arbetstagare och fackligt aktiva i allt fler länder.

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Annual Survey of Violations of Trade Union Rights. Democracies for people. 16-06-2020. Report - ITUC Global Rights Index 2020.

Ituc global rights index

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The ITUC Global Rights Index depicts the world’s worst countries for workers by rating countries on a scale from 1 to 5+ on the degree of respect for workers’ rights. Violations are recorded each year from April to March.

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Human and trade union rights. Annual Survey of Violations of Trade Union Rights. Democracies for people. 16-06-2020.

Siffrorna visar på stora inskränkningar i demokrati och mänskliga rättigheter – … ITUC Global Rights Index 2019. 19-06-2019.
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15-11-2018. Report - ITUC Global Rights Index 2017. download. open.

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Det konstaterar den Internationella fackliga samorganisationen Ituc i den årliga sammanställningen Global rights index.